Chem-Free Organic Pest & Lawn Services
9475 U.S. 290 Austin, TX 78724
(512) 837-9681

Integrated Pest Management

Chem-free Organic Pest and Lawn Services provides Austin-area homeowners and business owners with natural, low-impact pest control solutions that respect the health of their pets, children, lawns and surrounding wild areas while delivering effective solutions to unwanted infestations.

Our approach to pest control is rooted in the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a simple philosophy that's endorsed by the EPA and practiced by forward-thinking number of pest control companies.

What Is Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

Integrated Pest Management is defined by the EPA as "effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices." In other words, it's an approach that balances concern for long-term environmental impacts with the imperative to deliver effective results for paying customers. IPM is built around a thorough understanding of the ecosystem and the life cycles of various pests. Whenever possible, the practice favors prevention over elimination by effectively preventing pests from breeding in living spaces and adjacent outdoor areas, IPM reduces the need rely heavily on chemical controls. Low-impact sprays and other types of active controls are used in limited amounts.

The core prongs of IPM include:

  • Initial evaluation and ongoing monitoring of existing pest populations
  • Formulation of a customized pest management plan
  • Establishment of tolerance thresholds for existing pest populations and nearby non-pest communities
  • Careful, low-impact habitat modification initiatives, including the removal of entry points, breeding sources, food, water, shelter and other elements that support pest populations
  • Utilization of "least-toxic" controls in careful coordination with other pest control methods

An example might be you pet's food. Is it stored in an open container in the garage and or do you feed Fido on your patio? If so, guess what? You're encouraging ants and other larger mammals to come close to your house to consume the available food. What comes with larger mammals - fleas. So, with the simple act of having food readily available for Fido, you're fostering & encouraging insects and animals to come close to your home. The next step is them seeking shelter in and around your home because food is plentiful. Next thing you know, you've got racoons in the attic and fleas in the carpet! Now, we know you want to keep Fido so, one of our main recommendations in our Inspectors visit would be to not allow food to be uncovered or remain outside for too long. That's IPM, in action.

Choose the IPM approach!

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Our Environmental Philosophy

The Chem-free team is proud to make environmental stewardship for Austin a top priority. Our sustainability-minded team proudly adheres to the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), providing both effective and conscientious lawn and pest control services.